Home / Fuel Efficiency - Mass Conversion / Convert Btu (th)/pound to Gram/calorie (th)

Convert Btu (th)/pound to Gram/calorie (th)

Please provide values below to convert Btu (th)/pound [Btu (th)/lb] to gram/calorie (th) [g/cal (th)], or vice versa.


Btu (th)/pound to Gram/calorie (th) Conversion Table

Btu (th)/pound [Btu (th)/lb]Gram/calorie (th) [g/cal (th)]
0.01 Btu (th)/lb180.0000000002 g/cal (th)
0.1 Btu (th)/lb18 g/cal (th)
1 Btu (th)/lb1.8 g/cal (th)
2 Btu (th)/lb0.9 g/cal (th)
3 Btu (th)/lb0.6 g/cal (th)
5 Btu (th)/lb0.36 g/cal (th)
10 Btu (th)/lb0.18 g/cal (th)
20 Btu (th)/lb0.09 g/cal (th)
50 Btu (th)/lb0.036 g/cal (th)
100 Btu (th)/lb0.018 g/cal (th)
1000 Btu (th)/lb0.0018 g/cal (th)

How to Convert Btu (th)/pound to Gram/calorie (th)

g/cal (th) =
Btu (th)/lb
Btu (th)/lb =
g/cal (th)

Example: convert 15 Btu (th)/lb to g/cal (th):
15 Btu (th)/lb = 1.800000000002 / 15 = 0.12 g/cal (th)

Convert Btu (th)/pound to Other Fuel Efficiency - Mass Units